Smart Lifestyle, curated for you by BGE and Empower Maryland

Issue 1: Spring/Summer 2022

The Toy box

Smart Gadgets

The term “gadgets” really doesn’t have the connotation we’re looking for. It just doesn’t have the gravitas required to describe the revolution happening in our homes. Everything—OK, OK, nearly everything—is connected. When we look at these “smart” devices as a whole, it’s easy to see how they’re bringing about a new way to run and enjoy life at home.


Smart Watch

Sure, a smart watch helps you do smartphone tasks without whipping out your phone and being “That Person” in social situations. But it’s much more than that. This piece of smart tech lets you listen to music while working out, uses vibrations to guide you while you keep your eyes on the road and can alert someone if you fall. Plus, it can be the “always there” hub for a more energy-efficient life, letting you easily control lots of home devices from the comfort of your wrist.

The perfect tech for your inner Control Freak.


Smart Doorbell

This device is more than a way to stay on the couch and still see if the pizza guy has arrived. Add a smart doorbell and you add resale value to your home, offer up a visible deterrent to would-be criminals and you might even lower your homeowner’s insurance premiums.

To Buy:


Tell people that it’s for enhanced safety. Admit to yourself it’s for enhanced laziness.



Hot water. Yet another item on a long list of things you don’t know how much you need until you don’t have it. And with a smart water heater, you do more than have it; you control it from your smartphone.

Adjust water temp, check water levels and monitor energy usage remotely.



Yes, they can now look up recipes and read the steps while you cook, and they can chat with your smartphone to alert you of food that will soon expire. They can also save you about 9% compared to the energy costs of your old fridge. Since your refrigerator accounts for up to 10% of your energy costs, both that soon-to-be-spoiled cottage cheese and your budget just might be saved.

To Buy:


ENERGY STAR® appliances sip kilowatts vs. old models that guzzle them down.


Smart LED Light Bulbs

These little marvels pack a wonderful efficiency one-two punch. You have complete control over when they’re in use, including the ability to turn them off using your smartphone. And, when they’re in use, they use a fraction of the energy gobbled up by a traditional incandescent light bulb. Lastly—for the folks who’ve seen too many horror flicks—your home can be lit up before you show up. It keeps the blood pressure and the bills low.

Hey, look. A light bulb that will outlast most relationships.
