Become a Participating Rater This program aims to significantly increase the market share of ENERGY STAR certified new homes in central Maryland. As the number of energy-efficient homes grows, so too will the demand for home energy ratings, creating a significant business opportunity for certified Home Energy Rating System (HERS) service providers. Your support helps to ensure that each home constructed by participating builders meets program requirements for energy efficiency, safety, quality and comfort. How to Participate as a Home Energy Rater Certified home energy raters are integral participants in this program. To earn the ENERGY STAR label and qualify for BGE’s financial incentives, builders must work with a RESNET-accredited HERS rater registered with the program. Home Registration and Rebate System After your application has been approved, you will receive credentials to log into the Ekotrope platform. You will then be able to register and submit your builder’s homes for rebates. You will use the Ekotrope Online Portal to register and submit homes using the required information for each home.For more details on how to register and submit homes, please see these instructions.To check on the status of homes you have registered or submitted, you can request a weekly summary report detailing registered homes and rebate statuses. For additional insight or questions, please contact Carlos Rivas at Home Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for incentives, your clients’ homes must meet the following criteria:Be separately metered single-family residential construction (attached homes included)Have electric distribution service provided by BGEBe completed within the calendar year of application submission.Have all required ENERGY STAR inspectionsNot have passed rough framing at the point of application ENERGY STAR NextGen Overview In November 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched a new certification option as part of its highly successful ENERGY STAR® partnership program ENERGY STAR NextGen Certified Homes and Apartments. This new certification offers an additional, optional level of recognition for homes and apartments equipped with leading-edge, efficient electric technologies and electric vehicle charging capabilities to maximize energy and emissions savings. Learn more.Overview FlyerNational Rater Field Checklist Learn More Partner ResourcesBecome a RESNET-certified raterENERGY STAR for Home Energy Raters websiteBGE ResourcesList of Participating RatersParticipating Rater ResourcesBuilder Benefits Back to New Home Programs Apply Now Questions? Contact usLearn More You May Be Interested in..... Reciclado de electrodomésticos Revisión Rápida de Energía en el Hogar Obtenga incentivos Smart Thermostat Rebate