Become a Participating Contractor Grow your business by helping residential customers become more energy efficient Imagen
If your business or organization provides services related to residential energy efficiency, including lighting, appliances, renovations, construction, energy performance or heating and cooling equipment and systems, you’re invited to become a participating contractor and be listed on our website. The benefits can include the following:The ability to offer rebates to your customers on qualifying equipment and servicesIncreased market exposure through our websiteWorkshops to provide you with the necessary knowledge to represent BGE’s Smart Energy Savers Program®Training sessions with the BGE technical team to provide program overviews and updatesAccess to tools and resources including marketing materials for your customersMost programs are open to contractors who meet the eligibility requirements. Choose from the options below to find out how you can participate.ENERGY STAR® for New HomesHomebuildersRatersHome Performance with ENERGY STARHow to Participate in the Program