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BGE Smart Energy Savers Program® Contact Information:

Energy Saving Programs

Residential CustomersBusiness Customers

Toll-Free: 1.877.685.SESP (7377)

(Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.)


(Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.)

Emergency Contact Information:

To report a power outage, call toll-free 1.877.778.2222

When reporting a power outage, your call goes directly to our trouble processing center for response. The system works by matching your phone number to your account, so it's important that we have your current phone number on file. If you move or change phone numbers, you can use our online account management service to update your phone number. You can also call BGE at 1.800.685.0123 to update your phone number. Please have your account number available when you call.

If you smell a gas leak, call 1.800.685.0123

Non-Emergency Contact Information/Customer Care Center:

Customer Care representatives are ready to serve you:

  • 7am-7pm Monday-Friday
  • Emergency service is available 24 hours a day
  • Foreign-language interpreters are available
empower maryland

EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. Learn more about EmPOWER Maryland.

The EmPOWER Maryland charge funds programs that can help you reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and save you money. Since the inception of the EmPOWER Maryland program in 2008, the programs have saved $14.5 billion on installed measures at a cost of $4.1 billion. In addition to new program costs, this charge includes paying off the uncollected costs that were accrued over time by programs required by the EmPOWER statute and authorized by the Commission. In accordance with House Bill 864 the uncollected amounts will be fully paid by the end of 2032.