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Baltimore City Targets Energy Use Reductions Across Its Portfolio

See how smart sustainability planning and incentive use helped save almost $1 million annually.


Savings at a Glance

By participating in the BGE Energy Solutions for Business and Small Business Energy Solutions programs, Baltimore City took advantage of financial incentives to make energy efficiency upgrades in more than 125 facilities across the city.

 128 projects completed
 9,868,859 kWh/year in energy savings
 $986,885/year in cost savings
 $2,501,678 in incentives paid

The City of Baltimore is home to more than 622,000 people. As Maryland’s largest city, it is responsible for the energy costs at more than 1,100 facilities, ranging from the typical—city hall, courthouse, schools, firehouses, libraries and recreation centers— to the less so, such as substations, museums, parking garages, a convention center and even a zoo! The enormous task of evaluating the efficiency of the lights, heating and cooling in city buildings and much more falls to the employees of the Department of Public Works’ Office of Sustainable Energy (OSE). Since its 2006 inception, the OSE has aggressively sought to improve energy efficiency across its portfolio of facilities and equipment, holding the belief that the best way to save energy is not to use it.

An early adopter, Baltimore was one of the first city governments in Maryland to participate in the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program®. Baltimore City teamed up with BGE to take advantage of technical assistance and financial incentives to help pay for energy efficiency upgrades in many of its facilities. To date, the city has received more than $2.5 million in incentives that helped offset the cost of energy efficiency projects across the city.

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In addition to saving energy, the new overhead lighting in this library creates an inviting environment to inspire young readers to crack open a book.


Overhauling the lighting in this briefing room at the police station resulted in more consistent illumination throughout the space.


Skaters and spectators alike will find it easier to keep an eye on the puck thanks to lighting upgrades at this city-run ice rink.


New lighting in this exhibition hall is one of the energy-saving improvements at the Baltimore Convention Center.


High-efficiency fixtures in the lobby of the Abel Wolman Municipal Building provide optimal lighting levels, while accentuating the historic facility’s architectural features.


Energy efficiency upgrades in the Abel Wolman Municipal Building helped make it a model for green offices in the city.

empower maryland

Los programas de EmPOWER Maryland se financian mediante un cargo en su factura de energía. Los programas de EmPOWER pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y le ahorran dinero. Conozca más sobre EmPOWER Maryland.

El cargo de EmPOWER Maryland financia programas que pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, así como también le ayudan a ahorrar dinero. Desde el comienzo del programa EmPOWER Maryland en 2008, los programas han ahorrado $14,500 millones de dólares en medidas instaladas con un costo de $4100 millones de dólares. Además de los costos de los nuevos programas, este cargo incluye el pago de los costos sin cobrar que se fueron acumulando con el tiempo por los programas exigidos por el estatuto EmPOWER y autorizados por la Comisión. De acuerdo con la Ley 864 de la Cámara de Representantes, los importes sin cobrar se pagarán en su totalidad a finales de 2032.