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If your facility is greater than 75,000 square feet or greater with complex heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, controlled by an energy management system with comprehensive direct digital control, you may be eligible for our Large Building Tune-up Services. Designed for large industrial and commercial electric customers, these services typically include the following:

  • Engineering studies to identify energy savings available through building tune-up services
  • HVAC calibrations
  • Diagnostic and function tests of major systems and equipment
  • Balancing of air and water systems
  • Calibration of energy management systems and controls

Take advantage of savings of up to 85% on qualifying services. Incentives are provided at the lesser of $0.30 per kWh saved or 85% of total project costs, capped at $100,000 per project.

Eligibility Requirements

General facility requirements include the following:

  • The facility must have a minimum of 75,000 square feet of conditioned space.
  • The facility must have an existing building or energy management system with direct digital control of major HVAC systems.

Enhanced Equipment Metering

For projects participating in the Large Building Tune-up Services, you could be eligible to receive up to $5,000 per project for additional equipment-level metering installed to baseline the equipment before and after the tune-up to verify savings. Preapproval is required.

Getting Started

Ready for a tune-up? Call 410.290.1202 or email

empower maryland

Los programas de EmPOWER Maryland se financian mediante un cargo en su factura de energía. Los programas de EmPOWER pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y le ahorran dinero. Conozca más sobre EmPOWER Maryland.

El cargo de EmPOWER Maryland financia programas que pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, así como también le ayudan a ahorrar dinero. Desde el comienzo del programa EmPOWER Maryland en 2008, los programas han ahorrado $14,500 millones de dólares en medidas instaladas con un costo de $4100 millones de dólares. Además de los costos de los nuevos programas, este cargo incluye el pago de los costos sin cobrar que se fueron acumulando con el tiempo por los programas exigidos por el estatuto EmPOWER y autorizados por la Comisión. De acuerdo con la Ley 864 de la Cámara de Representantes, los importes sin cobrar se pagarán en su totalidad a finales de 2032.