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What is the difference between the Building Tune-up and Energy Solutions for Business?

Energy Solutions for Business typically involves a capital investment in energy-efficient equipment. Building Tune-up focuses on services optimizing the operation and maintenance of existing equipment.

Why are there five “types” of Building Tune-up services?

Because different opportunities exist for improving a building’s performance based on its size and existing mechanical systems, BGE offers five options—HVAC Tune-upSmall Building Tune-up servicesLarge Building Tune-up services, Building Performance Tune-up services and Monitoring-Based Building Tune-up services—to meet varying customer needs.

What incentives are available for HVAC Tune-up?

BGE’s HVAC Tune-up can tune up your facility’s unitary HVAC system while ensuring its energy-using components function at peak efficiency. Review the list of available measures and incentives.

What are the basics of the Small Building Tune-up Services?

Small Building Tune-up Services are available for industrial process systems and commercial facilities less than or equal to 75,000 square feet. The process typically involves contractors assessing the condition of equipment and systems according to a prescribed checklist of items. Small Building Tune-up Services focus on the following:

  • Calibrating building systems and controls
  • Replacing equipment filters
  • Cleaning evaporator and condenser coils
  • Sealing air and water leaks
  • Rebalancing air handling systems
  • Detecting compressed air leaks
  • Educating facility personnel
What incentives are available for Small Building Tune-up Services?

Incentives can cover up to 85% of the cost of the assessment, with a cap of $30,000. Available incentives also can pay part of the cost for demonstration measures, such as those that might save a significant amount of energy but will not pay for themselves in less than 1.5 years, with a cap of $15,000 for BGE’s total project commitment.

Who can perform Small Building Tune-up Services?

BGE has a directory of trained Service Providers. However, in certain circumstances, other contractors or in-house staff may be utilized.

BGE does not recommend, qualify or otherwise approve these contractors for participation. Nor does BGE warrant or guarantee any work or equipment installed by a Service Provider.

What incentives are available for Large Building Tune-up Services?

Incentives can cover up to 85% of the cost of the study and implementation costs, with a cap of $100,000.

What are the basics of Large Building Tune-up Services?

Large Building Tune-up Services are available for facilities larger than 75,000 square feet and are more comprehensive than Small Building Tune-up Services. Large Building Tune-up Services are intended for customers with unusually high energy use, persistent failures of equipment and controls, tenant complaints or indoor air quality problems. The process involves a detailed study conducted by a prequalified Service Provider who develops and carries out (or directs others to carry out) customized system and operational changes to reduce energy consumption. Large Building Tune-up Services typically include the following:

  • HVAC calibrations
  • Diagnostic and function tests of major systems and equipment
  • Air and water systems balancing
  • Calibration of energy management and control systems and lighting systems controls
  • O&M tune-ups
  • Education of facility personnel
What incentives are available for Small Building Tune-up Services?

Incentives can cover up to 85% of the cost of the study and implementation costs, with a cap of $50,000. However, the incentive is contingent upon the customer committing to invest a minimum of $50,000 in cost-effective measures (that is, measures that will pay for themselves in 1.5 years or less).

Are there minimum requirements to be a candidate for Large Building Tune-up Services?

Yes. Your facility must have a functioning direct digital control (DDC) system, accessible and up-to-date building documentation and records, no major maintenance problems requiring costly repairs or replacements, and no planned major system renovations or retrofits. You also need to commit facility staff to be actively involved in the entire process.

Who can perform Large Building Tune-up Services?

To assist customers, BGE has created a directory of preapproved Building Tune-up Service Providers. If you wish to use a Service Provider that has not been preapproved, the Service Provider must first apply to participate in our Large Building Tune-up Services offering. BGE does not warrant or guarantee any work or equipment installed by a Service Provider.

What incentives are available for Monitoring-Based Building Tune-up Services?

Incentives can cover up to 25% of the contract cost for installation and monitoring, with a cap of $15,000. Incentives also are available for implementing energy-saving upgrades based on recommendations from your quarterly reporting. The total incentive may not exceed a maximum of $100,000 per project.

What are the basics of Monitoring-Based Building Tune-up Services?

Available for facilities with more than 75,000 square feet of conditioned space, the Monitoring-Based Building Tune-up establishes a process for continuously measuring a building’s energy consumption to identify faults and improvements in a comprehensive approach to energy savings. MBT services typically include the following:

  • Identifying system improvements
  • Streamlining building maintenance strategies 
  • Improving building performance

MBT is a highly cost-effective approach to energy savings that results in continual operational and performance improvements.

Who can perform Monitoring-Based Building Tune-up Services? 

To assist customers, BGE has created a directory of preapproved Building Tune-up Service Providers. If you wish to use a Service Provider that has not been preapproved, the Service Provider must first apply to participate in our Monitoring-Based Building Tune-up offering. BGE does not warrant or guarantee any work or equipment installed by a Service Provider.

What are the basics of Virtual Commissioning Services?

Virtual Commissioning, or VCx, is a complimentary service provided to small and medium-sized buildings to evaluate current energy usage and recommend no- and low-cost measures that can improve energy efficiency and reduce costs.

Who will contact me about my Virtual Commissioning Service?

BGE has partnered with Power TakeOff to perform this service. A representative from their team of trained Energy Advisors will contact you about scheduling and performing your service. All communication will be virtual, via phone or email.

What is the value of having a contractor assess how a building’s systems operate?

Many customers have energy-efficient equipment, but their buildings are still not operating efficiently. By participating in the Building Tune-up program, you can maximize the operating efficiency of your building and reduce your energy use and costs.

When do I get my incentive for Enhanced Equipment Metering?

The incentive for Enhanced Equipment Metering is paid once we receive a Microsoft Excel file detailing the hourly pre- and post-project electrical consumption data and the Small or Large Building Tune-up Services project has received Final Project Approval. Contact your program rep or call 410.290.1202 for more information.

Are Large Building Tune-up Services right for my facility?

Large Building Tune-up Services could be a good option for you if your facility has:

  • Unexplained high energy use
  • Persistent equipment operation problems or failures
  • Repeated occupant complaints about comfort

A Large Building Tune-up is not appropriate when:

  • Most of the equipment and systems are either outdated or at the end of their service lives.
  • Significant system design problems exist.
  • Major equipment malfunctions are extensive enough that equipment replacement is the best remedy.
What are the basics of Virtual Strategic Energy Management?

Virtual Strategic Energy Management, or vSEM, is a no-additional-cost service provided to facilities of all sizes and in all industries to identify energy-saving measures and track their impact on reducing costs. It is also designed to help foster an environment of energy efficiency through workshops and exercises to get your entire facility on board with saving as much energy as possible.

Who will contact me about partnering with the Virtual Strategic Energy Management Program?

BGE has partnered with Power TakeOff to perform this service. A representative from their team of trained energy coaches will reach out and work with you on achieving your energy-saving goals. All communication will be via phone or email.

What are the basics of Building Performance Tune-up services?

Building Performance Tune-up services are designed to help facilities 35,000 square feet and larger maximize energy efficiency. An approved contractor will visit your facility and perform three services:

  • Benchmark your building to state specifications using the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. 
  • Provide an ASHRAE Level II audit with a complete compliance road map, including a detailed look at future costs and savings. 
  • Implement low-cost adjustments that can reduce your building’s energy use, resulting in an average savings of 5%–20% on your energy bill.
What incentives are available for Building Performance Tune-up services?

Incentives available through BGE and EmPOWER Maryland could save you up to 85% of the cost for tune-up services. Qualified incentives are provided at the lesser of $0.30 per kWh saved or 85% of total project costs, capped at $100,000 per project.

Who can perform Building Performance Tune-up services?

To assist customers, BGE has created a directory of preapproved Building Tune-up Service Providers. BGE does not warrant or guarantee any work or equipment installed by a Service Provider.