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Concerned your facility’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system isn’t operating at peak efficiency? If you have a unitary system, which combines heating, cooling and fans into one package, with direct-expansion rooftop units or split systems, our HVAC Tune-up program provides a low-cost, high-return opportunity for saving energy.

Using this service could help your facility:

• Save 5% to 20% on energy costs.
• Enhance comfort and safety for occupants.
• Improve the reliability of your HVAC equipment.

Take advantage of $140 in savings on qualifying HVAC Tune-up Services.

Unit TypeIncentive
Units <3 Tons$40/ton
Units 3-20 Tons$160/unit
Units >20-50 Tons$260/unit
Units >50 Tons$350/unit

See the list of energy-saving measures and incentives.

Getting Started

Ready for a tune-up? Call 410.290.1202 or email

empower maryland

Los programas de EmPOWER Maryland se financian mediante un cargo en su factura de energía. Los programas de EmPOWER pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y le ahorran dinero. Conozca más sobre EmPOWER Maryland.