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Small Building Tune-up Services

If your commercial facility is less than 75,000 square feet, you may be eligible for our Small Building Tune-up Services. With a focus on common improvements to operating efficiency that result in a quick return on investment, these services can include the following:

  • Walk-through assessment and development of an action plan
  • Calibration of building systems and controls
  • Replacement of equipment filters
  • Cleaning of evaporator and condenser coils
  • Sealing of compressed air leaks
  • Rebalancing of air handling systems

Take advantage of savings of up to 85% on qualifying services. Incentives are provided at the lesser of $0.30 per kWh saved or 85% of total project costs, capped at $30,000 per project.

Enhanced Equipment Metering

For projects participating in the Small Building Tune-up Services, you could be eligible to receive up to $5,000 per project for additional equipment-level metering installed to baseline the equipment before and after the tune-up to verify savings. Preapproval is required.

Getting Started

Ready for a tune-up? Call 410.290.1202 or email

empower maryland

Los programas de EmPOWER Maryland se financian mediante un cargo en su factura de energía. Los programas de EmPOWER pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y le ahorran dinero. Conozca más sobre EmPOWER Maryland.