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Custom Measures & Projects

Save up to 50% on support to help you evaluate opportunities to save energy.


Every business is different. If your workplace requires a unique solution to increase energy efficiency and manage costs, we’ve got you covered.

Take advantage of financial incentives that can cover up to 50% of the total cost of custom retrofit projects and up to 75% of the cost difference between standard- and high-efficiency equipment for new construction projects and replacement of end-of-life equipment. Overall incentive is capped at $0.28 per kWh saved.

Custom applications might include the following types of projects:

Technical Support Services

Simple Custom

Whole Building Performance

New Construction Performance Lighting

If you are building new or starting a major renovation project, choose the New Construction—Design-Based Lighting pathway.

Use our Custom Technical Sheet to determine if your project meets the requirements for custom incentives. The sheet helps identify a baseline for energy calculations and cost estimates based on the project type. Our program staff are available to discuss your project and assist in determining the proper baseline. Contact us at or call 410.290.1202.

Who Is Eligible

All commercial, industrial, government, institutional and nonprofit electric service customers (rate schedules G, GS, GL, P and T) in BGE’s service territory are eligible to receive incentives for custom projects, regardless of your electricity or gas supplier.

Getting Started

Ready to begin your project? Call 410.290.1202, email or apply now.

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empower maryland

Los programas de EmPOWER Maryland se financian mediante un cargo en su factura de energía. Los programas de EmPOWER pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y le ahorran dinero. Conozca más sobre EmPOWER Maryland.

El cargo de EmPOWER Maryland financia programas que pueden ayudarle a reducir su consumo de energía y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, así como también le ayudan a ahorrar dinero. Desde el comienzo del programa EmPOWER Maryland en 2008, los programas han ahorrado $14,500 millones de dólares en medidas instaladas con un costo de $4100 millones de dólares. Además de los costos de los nuevos programas, este cargo incluye el pago de los costos sin cobrar que se fueron acumulando con el tiempo por los programas exigidos por el estatuto EmPOWER y autorizados por la Comisión. De acuerdo con la Ley 864 de la Cámara de Representantes, los importes sin cobrar se pagarán en su totalidad a finales de 2032.