Variable frequency drives, more commonly known as VFDs, control the frequency or speed at which motors operate, resulting in energy savings. They are particularly useful in improving the energy efficiency of commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Other uses include manufacturing and industrial processes involving fans and pumps. Get financial incentives to cover up to 50% of the cost of installing VFDs on your existing HVAC equipment, including: Building Exhaust Fans Make-up Air Fans HVAC Return Air Fans Cooling Tower Fans HVAC Supply Air Fans Chilled and Condenser Water Pumps If you have a VFD application that’s not on this list, check out our incentives for Custom Measures & Projects. For more on qualifying VFDs and the available incentives, see our Variable Frequency Drive Technical Sheet.
Variable Frequency Drives Getting StartedReady to begin your project? Call 410.290.1202, email or apply now.Learn More