HVAC Tune-up Certified Contractors Please read this important information before scheduling an HVAC Tune-up during the cold weather season. If you have a fully electric HVAC system, you can get an HVAC Tune-up at any time during the year. However, if you have fossil fuel heating equipment (oil, gas) your system can only be serviced when the outdoor temperature is 65°F or higher. Only the businesses listed below are authorized to perform Tune-ups on behalf of BGE.Authorized ContractorsAddressPhone NumberEmailA-C Air Care6126 Rainbow DriveElkridge MD 21075410-220-0503bgetuneup@acaircare.comBerthiaume Heating and Air Services1895 Parkers Creek RdPort Republic, MD 20676443-532-6118berthiaumeheating.air.services@gmail.comBryan Mechanical Services LLC5523 Heatherwood RdHalethorpe, MD 21227410-596-1360Bryan@bryanmech.comClarksville Heating and Air7380 Coca-Cola Drive, Suite 121Hanover, MD 21076443-324-0728service@clarksvillecomfort.comComplete Home Solutions235 W Bay Front Rd. Lothian, MD 20722410-867-1202info@chs-1.comScope Service10715 Red Run Blvd Suite 107& 108 Owings Mills, MD 21117410-844-0678BGEHVACResidentialTuneUpProgram@scope-services.comS.F. Jones3665 Hallowing Point Rd. Prince Frederick, MD, 20678443-432-3652sfjones_hvac@yahoo.comSG Heating & Cooling Inc.6802 Grimes Golden ct. Columbia MD 21045410-909-8865sgheatac@gmail.com You May Be Interested in..... Appliance Recycling Rebates and Discounts Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® The Efficient Home Magazine