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What is a Quick Home Energy Check-up?

The Quick Home Energy Check-up is designed to help you better understand your home’s energy use—and how to make it more comfortable and energy efficient. The Quick Home Energy Check-up is fast and easy. A Quick Home Energy Check-up professional, certified by the Building Performance Institute, will perform a visual evaluation of your home’s insulation levels, heating and cooling systems, windows, doors, lighting and appliances. You will receive a report containing the findings noted during the walk-through, which may also include specific actions you can take to improve your home’s energy efficiency and recommendations for other BGE Smart Energy Savers Program® offers that are right for your home.

What is the cost of the Quick Home Energy Check-up?

The Quick Home Energy Check-up program is offered to all BGE customers at no additional cost.

What happens during a Quick Home Energy Check-up?

Our goal is to provide you with the recommendations that will best improve the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your energy use. During your Quick Home Energy Check-up, your BGE Check-up professional may:

1. Perform a visual inspection of your home’s insulation levels, heating and cooling systems, windows, doors, lighting and appliances.

2. Provide you with suggestions for ways to reduce energy use, energy-saving tips and educational materials.

3. Install energy-saving products like LED light bulbs, Smart Thermostats, faucet aerators, efficient-flow showerheads, water heater pipe insulation, smart power strips, and showerhead adapters (with your permission) all at no additional cost.

4. Provide recommendations for other ways you can participate in the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program® to further reduce your energy use and costs.

Can I have a smart thermostat installed at no additional cost?

Customers can receive a smart thermostat installed at no additional cost. Not everyone will be eligible for a smart thermostat, work with your contractor to determine your eligibility.

How do I schedule a Quick Home Energy Check-up?

Request an appointment online or contact the BGE Call Center at 877.685.7377. A BGE-approved contractor will reach out to schedule the day and time of your appointment.

I’m concerned about the health implications of contractors entering my home. What safety precautions will they be taking?

When scheduling your appointment, ask your contractor about specific health and safety questions or concerns you may have.

Which businesses can perform a Quick Home Energy Check-up on behalf of BGE?

Only the certified contractors on this list are authorized to perform Quick Home Energy Check-ups on behalf of BGE.

Will the contractor check or read my meter during the Quick Home Energy Check-up?

The Quick Home Energy Check-up program does not offer meter readings. If you suspect there is an issue with your meter please contact the BGE Call Center at 1 (800) 685-0123.

How do I schedule a Quick Home Energy Check-up?

Request an appointment online or contact the BGE Call Center at 877.685.7377. A BGE-approved contractor will reach out to schedule the day and time of your appointment.

What is the difference between a Quick Home Energy Check-up and the home energy audit that’s part of Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®?

The Quick Home Energy Check-up is a great way to get started, especially for those who aren’t sure how to begin. The Quick Home Energy Check-up is an easy first step toward making your home energy smart. If you’re interested in receiving a detailed home energy audit with diagnostic testing, consider a comprehensive home audit through BGE’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program. This program is an effective way to significantly reduce home energy use while improving indoor comfort, and is available at no additional cost, whereas getting a home energy audit through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program will cost $100. For a more detailed comparison, please visit this page to learn more.